Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. July 1 to 7.

Publicado por & archivado en Informe destacado, Informes.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. June 24 to 30.

Publicado por & archivado en Informe destacado, Informes, Noticias.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Primer Seminario CIOP 2024

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Con una asistencia que con creces cumplió con las expectativas fijadas, durante el mes de mayo nuestra Cámara organizó un Seminario Dirigido a nuestros Asociados e invitados.Dos destacadísimos expositores le dieron una enorme jerarquía a este evento como son los señores Dr. Emilio Santelices Cuevas Médico Cirujano/Anestesista y ex Ministro de Salud, y el Sr.... Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. June 10 to 16.

Publicado por & archivado en Informe destacado.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. May 27 to June 2.

Publicado por & archivado en Informes.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. May 13 to 19.

Publicado por & archivado en Informes.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. April 29 to 5 of May.

Publicado por & archivado en Noticias.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. – 15 to 21 April

Publicado por & archivado en Destacada, Informe destacado, Informes, Noticias.

– Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.

Publicado por & archivado en Informes, Noticias.

  Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.     -     This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic. We selected 1,500 optical locations that have... Read more »

Lentes de cuneta: ¿Pasan las pruebas de calidad?

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Con sólo 2 mil pesos usted podría adquirir un par de lentes ópticos. Usted se los coloca y la primera impresión es que parecen cumplir con su objetivo, pero no se engañe. T13 puso a prueba con profesionales los llamados lentes de cuneta y cuáles fueron los resultados, véalo en el siguiente episodio de “Lo… Read more »