“310 asistentes reunidos en las distintas modalidades de participación, 22 conferencistas invitados extranjeros y nacionales, 19 empresas participantes en la exposición comercial representadas en 32 stands hacen nuestra evaluación muy positiva.” Los días 14, 15 y 16 de noviembre de 2024, el prestigioso Hotel del Mar en Viña del Mar fue el epicentro del XXIII… Read more »
Entradas Categorizadas: Destacada
CIOP les desea a todos sus socios y amigos Felices Fiestas y un muy próspero 2025🎄🔔
Es momento de reflexionar sobre todo lo vivido y lo que tenemos que hacer para continuar creciendo. Esperamos que sigan formando parte de esta gran familia CIOP.
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. – November 4 to 10.
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. October 21 to 27
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. October 7 to 13
Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »
Damos la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo socio Optiland
Damos la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo socio Optiland. Con agrado informamos que se ha incorporado a nuestra Asociación la Empresa Optiland en el segmento de proveedores.Esperamos nos aporten con su experiencia para el desarrollo de nuestra organización.¡Bienvenidos Optiland! Ver esta publicación en Instagram Una publicación compartida de Ópticas de Chile (@opticasdechile)
Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. – 15 to 21 April
– Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019. – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales… Read more »
Lentes de cuneta: ¿Pasan las pruebas de calidad?
Con sólo 2 mil pesos usted podría adquirir un par de lentes ópticos. Usted se los coloca y la primera impresión es que parecen cumplir con su objetivo, pero no se engañe. T13 puso a prueba con profesionales los llamados lentes de cuneta y cuáles fueron los resultados, véalo en el siguiente episodio de “Lo… Read more »