Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. June 24 to 30.

Publicado por & archivado en Informe destacado, Informes, Noticias.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. May 27 to June 2.

Publicado por & archivado en Informes.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. May 13 to 19.

Publicado por & archivado en Informes.

Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales to… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S. – 15 to 21 April

Publicado por & archivado en Destacada, Informe destacado, Informes, Noticias.

– Jobson Optical Researchis tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.  – This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic.We selected 1,500 optical locations that have been operating and reporting their sales… Read more »

Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.

Publicado por & archivado en Informes, Noticias.

  Jobson Optical Research is tracking national and regional optical business metrics for the U.S.*This index baseline was developed by Jobson Research from total sales from an average week in 2019.     -     This tracker measures sales trends comparing pre-pandemic, during the pandemic, and post-pandemic. We selected 1,500 optical locations that have... Read more »


Publicado por & archivado en Informes, Noticias.

La OMS considera que las gafas o lentes de contacto son intervenciones funcionales, ya que no eliminan ni curan el error de refracción tratando sus causas (43); más bien se utilizan para compensar errores de refracción comunes como la miopía, la hipermetropía y la presbicia. De la misma manera, la incorporación de prismas en las… Read more »

Salud Ocular Universal

Publicado por & archivado en Informe destacado, Informes.

Salud Ocular Universal

Las estimaciones más recientes de la  OMS sobre la magnitud mundial y las causas de la discapacidad visual confirman que existe una excelente oportunidad de cambiar la vida de millones de personas: un 80% de las causas de discapacidad visual son prevenibles o curables.